« Other 2024 photos

Miscellaneous 2024 extra photos

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It was technically warm enough to go on a bike ride in January. Chandler was thrilled!

You need a drink for hydration, a drink to go with breakfast, a drink for nutrients, and a drink for funsies

Käthe’s brother and sister-in-law’s cats Arc and Mythos desperately hoping for some shredded cheese

We attended the inaugural Minnesota home opener for the Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL)!


We also attended some Minnesota Wild hockey games throughout the season. Chandler’s favorite part is the Zamboni.

Käthe’s parents really leaned into the whole “travel in retirement” thing, so we got to watch their dog Bodhi while they sailed through the Caribbean and Greece, attended conferences, and probably (definitely) went other places we don’t remember.

Käthe enjoys trying new baking recipes and credits multiple first time successes to watching the Great British Baking Show.

Chandler exhibiting his athleticism on a walk through the woods


Our friends are part of an Irish Dance troupe and we had the opportunity to watch their St. Patrick’s Day showcase

Bodhi claiming his rightful place as the center of attention

When 1 office phone just isn’t cutting it anymore

Bodhi was not sure about the bundle of energy that is our friend’s dog, Bailey

Our basement is in Year Four(ish) of renovations. Someday, we will probably have a finished product. But in the mean time, Käthe enjoyed staining window casings that her dad graciously cut for her and Chandler.

Käthe, sister-in-law Natalie, and Grandmoms enjoying one of our monthly lunch dates at Panera.

Sometimes you need 30 White Castle sliders for two (no you don’t).


Bodhi is back again!

If you received our Christmas card last year, you may recall Chandler took possession of an organ (once again, the instrument, not like, a kidney). Turns out, organs from the 70’s have a lot of now unnecessary hardware. And sometimes that hardware makes the organ too big to fit through your door, so you have to remove all of it to chop a few inches off the back and replace it with… other smaller hardware (or something). Anyway, we spent a bunch of time soldering little tiny wires for little tiny lightbulbs. Sometime we’ll have a functioning organ, maybe around the time we have a functioning basement.

Spring brought fun new learning about our appliances as they were making some crazy noises. Käthe learned how to replace a dryer motor so the dryer no longer smelled like it was burning (yay!), and how to take apart and (mostly) put back together a washer. Except she may have forgotten to replace a relatively important belt so we did have to siphon the water out when we realized the full load of clothes wasn’t running correctly.


Käthe, Natalie, and Grandmoms enjoying another lunch date, this time at The Original Malt Shop (previously Snuffy’s Malt Shop).

Bodhi blissed out from a head rub and loving cabin life in general

Käthe continues to dance with a great group of ladies at Shana’s Dance Studio in Savage. Each year we get to participate at a local competition. Not to brag, but we did get first place against ourselves.

April showers bring May flowers. And rainbows.


We attended Cirque Du Soleil with Käthe’s family.

Our friends got married! It was gorgeous!

Käthe, Natalie, and Natalie’s housemate Laura hosted an Eras Tour watch party complete with era (album) themed snacks.

Baby raccoons in a tree in our backyard. The babies are so cute but thankfully we haven’t seen them out and about fully grown.

Käthe at Shana’s Dance Studio recital.


Dog sitting our neighbor’s dog Rosemary.

Chandler and friend Eric working on chainsawing apart a branch that fell on our other neighbor’s car (thankfully there was little damage to the vehicle).

When you need to hook up an HDMI cable to a projector, sometime you have to get creative for those extra couple feet.


Käthe joined her parents, Grandmoms, and 3 cousins at the state fair this year. She went to a dog show (Dock Dogs), another dog show (Agility showing), ate fried ranch and Sweet Martha’s cookies. It was a trip well spent.

Käthe, Natalie, Grandmoms, and Sharon (taking the photo) working on stitching together a tapestry for Greg and Natalie’s upcoming wedding. Each square was knitted by Natalie throughout the whole course of her and Greg’s relationship!

Seat belts save lives! (And pizza)

We didn’t get on as many bike rides as we would have liked this summer, but enjoyed the ones we had!

Enjoying Ted’s birthday at an outdoor concert held at the Normandale Lake Bandshell in Bloomington. Mabel’s first big outing and she did great!


Wedding Weekend prep for Greg and Natalie!

Käthe and Laura taking detail shots for Greg and Natalie’s wedding

Chandler helping with Lake Out, unloading docks from the lake before ice comes in

Sophie braiding Käthe’s hair before Greg and Natalie’s wedding because it was WINDY

Enjoying dinner after Greg and Natalie's wedding

Mabel and neighbor puppy Poppy learning to share sticks

Us being extremely normal and chill at Greg and Natalie’s rehearsal dinner


Käthe ready to teach dance to 3-5 year olds the week of Halloween as a fairy (or butterfly, depending on which kid you ask)

Käthe and Chandler attending a preseason Minnesota Wild game — We won 7-2 for those wondering


The Thanksgiving spread for Käthe, Claire, and Isaac in Burnsville

We helped our friends Lexie and Collin move into their new house and got to meet their cat-dog, Soot! Soot has beef with the pigeons living outside the window pictured here


Chandler looking very official while making sure his engine wasn’t leaking oil (or napping under his car, unclear)

Käthe tried out a Star Tribune Taste section recipe of s’mores cookies. Pretty lackluster for the work required, but very fun to look at!

Käthe and Claire attending the Minnesota Frost year 2 home opener with Eras Tour-esque light up bracelets! We didn’t win, but we did get to see the championship banner from last season go up!